Frequently asked questions
This won't be possible. Actuals are all inputted on one line per week per agreement. If a line of care goes over a tolerance the provider will need to contact the care arranging service to request a temporary variation to the contract. (However we will take this forward to see if there is an alternative process we can look at).
The detailed invoice should be in the portal - an amount against an invoice number can be inputted into Sage to stop the duplication of detail.
Once an invoice has been created in the portal, you are able to copy the invoice and paste it into a spreadsheet with all the detail of the invoice.
7,500 characters.
The sole purpose of the portal is to be used for financial and contractual information only. All safeguarding issues would still need to be raised via the current system.
These will be based on current customer care standards and issued for go live.
There will be a unique ID number with in ContrOCC to identify each CPLI. This will appear on the hard copy of the ISO that would be available in the portal.
All queries regarding the commissioning and provision of individual services can be directed to the care arranging team and they will investigate on your behalf.
Training videosand user handbooks are available.
Yes, the current four week invoicing cycle will remain.
You will be able to communicate with the Payments Team, Care Arranging Service, Procurement and the Billing Team.