Verification and conformity assessment fees
These fees apply from 1 April 2024.
Prices for weights and measures services at Hethel Engineering Centre
Weights up to and including 25kg - stamping as fit for use for trade
Charge: £18.75 each
Total: £18.75
Adjustment and retesting if outside maximum permissible errors
Charge: £14 each
VAT: £2.80
Total: £16.80
Templets - per scale
Charge: £59.50 each
Total: £59.50
Liquid fuel and lubricants dispenser - first dispenser tested per site
Charge: £202 each
VAT: £40.40
Total: £242.40
Liquid fuel and lubricants dispenser - second and subsequent fuel dispenser tested on the same occasion
Charge: £80.00 each
VAT: £16
Total: £96
Testing of peripheral equipment where no verification of dispensers performed - charged at hourly rate shown subject to a minimum of 1.5 hours
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
Road tanker liquid fuel meter measuring system - first meter system tested per site
Charge: £347 each
VAT: £69.40
Total: £416.40
Road tanker liquid fuel meter measuring system - second and subsequent meter system tested on the same occasion
Charge: £254 each
VAT: £50.80
Total: £304.80
Road tanker liquid fuel meter measuring system - reseal where meter accuracy testing not required, subject to a minimum charge of one hour
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
The charges for examining, testing, certifying, stamping, authorising or reporting on weighing or measuring equipment not included within other sections of this document will be individually calculated based on the hourly rate. The charge is calculated by the time spent on site.
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
Charge for issue of a Certificate of Accuracy when requested following any verification, conformity assessment or routine testing
Charge: £23.50 each
VAT: £4.70
Total: £28.20
Prices for accuracy testing at Hethel Engineering Centre.
Not exceeding 15kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £63.80 each
VAT: £12.76
Total: £76.56
Over 15kg but not exceeding 100kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £87.40 each
VAT: £17.48
Total: £104.88
Over 100kg but not exceeding 500kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £110.50 each
VAT: £22.10
Total: £132.60
Over 500kg but not exceeding 1,000kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £145.50 each
VAT: £29.10
Total: £174.60
Over 1,000kg but not exceeding 2,000kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £192 each
VAT: £38.40
Total: £230.40
Where a tare facility is operational an additional fee of 25% of the charge shown above is applied.
For class I/II instruments (limits apply) an additional fee of 50% of the charge shown above is applied due to the complexity of testing.
Prices for accuracy testing on site in Norfolk.
Not exceeding 15kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £101 each
VAT: £20.20
Total: £121.20
Over 15kg but not exceeding 100kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £136.80 each
VAT: £27.36
Total: £164.16
Over 100kg but not exceeding 500kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £172.50 each
VAT: £34.50
Total: £207
Over 500kg but not exceeding 1,000kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £206 each
VAT: £41.20
Total: £247.20
Over 1,000kg but not exceeding 2,000kg (Class III/IIII)
Charge: £241 each
VAT: £48.20
Total: £289.20
Over 2,000kg - customer to provide suitable weights
Charge: £381 each
VAT: £76.20
Total: £457.20
Where a tare facility is operational an additional fee of 25% of the charge shown above is applied.
For class I/II instruments (limits apply) an additional fee of 50% of the charge shown above is applied due to the complexity of testing.
Cancellation - minimum of 0.5 hours at the hourly rate if cancelled at least two days prior to the appointment, else a charge at the hourly rate equal to the effort employed
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
Abortive visits - charged at full rate shown above or a minimum of 1.5 hours at the hourly rate, whichever is the greater
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
Waiting time - where waiting time exceed 0.5 hours this is charged at the hourly rate above, subject to a minimum charge or 0.5 hours
Charge: £121 per hour
VAT: £24.20
Total: £145.20
Payment terms
We can accept payment by card or cheque (made payable to "Norfolk County Council") on any of the above fees. A receipt will be provided (with VAT breakdown if appropriate).
Due to administrative costs if you have requested to make your payment via invoice a minimum charge of £60 + VAT will be applied to any service. Invoice terms require payment within 30 days from date of invoice with the preferred method of payment for invoices being BACS.