The Multi Agency Risk Assessment Co-ordination (MARAC)

The Multi Agency Risk Assessment Co-ordination (MARAC) is how local agencies share information about high-risk domestic abuse victims.

The MARAC aims to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of victims. It also aims to reduce the risk of serious harm or homicide.

Agencies include:

  • Police
  • Probation
  • Health agencies
  • Housing services
  • Child and adult's social care
  • Education providers
  • Specialist services such as sexual support centres, refuges, substance misuse services
  • An independent domestic violence advisor (IDVA) to put forward the views of the victim
  • Any other organisation working with the family and the organisation making the referral

Victims and perpetrators do not contribute.

All agencies have signed the confidentiality agreement and are expected to adhere to the principles. This agreement is also at the bottom of all case listings.

Recent updates to the MARAC process

From 13 June 2022: 

  • Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference is now Multi Agency Risk Assessment Co-ordination
  • MARAC meetings are no longer held in person or via TEAMS. However, it may be decided that for complex cases, an individual meeting is needed. The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team will let you know if this is the case.
  • Agencies continue to receive MARAC case lists to gather information
  • Information goes into a MARAC information and updates document. Known before as MARAC minutes.
  • Cases receive an allocated MARAC date. This is the closing date for agencies to share their information and updates by.
  • Action setting, recording and tracking continues

Making MARAC referrals

You'll need to complete a referral form and a Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Honour Based (DASH) form. The Severity of Abuse Grid (SOAG) can assist you with completing the DASH. The SOAG gives you a framework to help identify specific features of the abuse suffered. It can help you address the safety of the victims in an informed and coherent way.

To request these forms, email They'll let you know how to submit your forms securely.

Complete all sections of the referral form. Include details for all those involved, including:

  • The victim
  • Children
  • The alleged perpetrator

If known, include the dates of any incidents that have occurred. Include all other relevant information.

What happens after a referral is received

The MARAC team will receive your referral. They'll pass this over to the information management unit (IMU) who will record any crimes that you've mentioned. They'll then pass this to the MASH team who'll put in place safeguarding measures for the victim. For example, object markers or a referral to Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAs). If they have any questions with the MARAC criteria (ie it's not as high risk as suggested), they'll send back to you.

Once they're happy with your referral, they'll pass it back to the MARAC team. They'll give the case a MARAC date and tell you what this date is.

Once a case has a MARAC date, it's added to a case list. A case list includes:

  • Details of all incidents occurred
  • A summary of the DASH risk assessment
  • All safeguarding measures that are in place

Agencies research and gather information they have about the people on the case list. Agencies receive the case list three to four days before the allocated MARAC date. They have until the MARAC date to gather all the information and updates about the case. This information is then sent back to the MARAC coordinator by that date.

An information and updates document is then produced. It includes all the information about the case including proposed actions.

Different agencies can request one another to complete proposed actions. Proposed actions reduce risk and increase the safety of the victims.

Proposed actions can include:

  • Requesting alarms
  • Fitting CCTV
  • Clare's Law disclosure
  • Children's services referral
  • Child contact and care plans provision
  • Management of perpetrator
  • Joint visits to engage with victim

Agencies must complete and record all actions proposed and assigned to them.

All agencies and the person who made the referral will get a copy of the information and updates document.

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