Domestic abuse change champions

A domestic abuse change champion:

  • Recognises the signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Realises the impact it has on the individual, family and wider society
  • Reacts by taking action to reduce harm, increase safety and listen to the voice of the victim

The champion network will contribute to enhanced knowledge in frontline organisations, therefore reducing risk of serious harm in the belief that we can decrease the human and organisational cost if risk is identified and managed early.

Champions are trained to develop knowledge on asking, responding, and supporting people affected by domestic abuse, and to use their knowledge to help their colleagues to respond effectively and appropriately.

Champions will be supported by Community Development and Recovery Workers, who will provide opportunities for champions to network, increase good practice knowledge and to be kept up to date with information to take back to their organisations.

Champions must be given time by their employing organisation to commit to the role and be supported by their managers and colleagues in order to carry out their role effectively.


  • Awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and 'honour' based abuse
  • Recognises the dynamics of domestic abuse
  • Able to identify risk and support safety planning
  • Confident encouraging disclosure through safely asking about abuse
  • Understands the legal requirements for sharing information


  • Attends the initial training and at least one network event annually
  • Acts as a conduit for information between their agency and the network
  • Cascades the e-bulletin to their team and relevant information or updates
  • Ensures up to date and accessible information is available in relation to referral processes and available services
  • Ensures domestic abuse materials including leaflets, cards and posters are displayed within their agency or work area
  • Contributes to the development and effectiveness of the champion network
  • Influence
  • Promotes timely and effective information sharing
  • Promotes the ethos of early disclosure and effective response
  • Promotes awareness and understanding of the impact of domestic abuse
  • Advocates for effective support within their agency for staff, volunteers and service users

Become a domestic abuse champion

If you would like to find out more about the DA Champion network, including signing up to the DA Network newsletter, contact NIDAS (Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Services) by emailing

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