Fertiliser storage regulations

The Dangerous Substances Regulations 1990 (referred to as the NAMOS Regulations), require the person in control of any site or premise where a total quantity of 25 tonnes or more of dangerous substances are used or stored, or are to become used or stored, to give written notification to both the fire service and the health and safety executive. NAMOS stands for Notification and Marking of Sites.

A dangerous substance is any substance that is dangerous for conveyance within the meaning of the Chemicals (hazard information and packaging) Regulations 1993.

Guidance on regulations

The health and safety executive is the enforcing authority for notification of the storage of dangerous substances.

The fire authority is the enforcing authority for the marking of sites with warning signs, once they are notified. The fire authority is also responsible for giving directions as to the quantity, type and location of signs.

Further guidance can be found on the HSE website.

How to give written notification

To inform Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service about the storage or use of dangerous substances:

When Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service receives the form our area risk team will contact you to conduct an assessment of your site and signs.

If you have previously notified us and there is a change in conditions, or you stop storing dangerous substances, you should contact us again.

Fertiliser Storage

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