Useful links

Thinkuknow - how to stay safe on the internet

Brook - sexual health and wellbeing advice under 25s

Childline - Information on friends, relationships, sex and your body

The Mix - for 13-25s - embarrassing problems, weird questions and please-don't-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts

Just1Norfolk Health Passport app - supports Norfolk 16-19 year olds make the transition into adulthood and helps young people become more independent with their own health needs

AMAZE - Amaze takes the awkward out of growing up. Fun, animated videos empowering healthy relationships worldwide, with all the answers you want to know about your body.

Shore Space - A safe space for teenagers worried about sexual behaviour

Report a problem:
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (which is a command of the National Crime Agency) helps young people who are being sexually abused or are worried that they've met someone who is trying to abuse them.
If you've met someone online or face-to-face who is putting you under pressure to have sex or making you feel uncomfortable, you should tell a trusted adult and report it to Child Exploitation and Online Protection or to the police.

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