Useful links
General resources
ThinkUKnow - Including 'sexting' and sharing nude images guidance and resources
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) - online safety, Share Aware, 'Talk Pants', Safe Touch resources
Lucy Faithful Foundation - Eradicating Child Sexual Abuse, free international prevention toolkit for practitioners and policy makers committed to tackling child sexual abuse
Hackett's continuum on the NSPCC learning site - an overview of Hackett's sexualised behaviour continuum
See our advice for parents page - what is healthy and what is problematic, advice about consent
AMAZE - Age appropriate info on puberty for tweens and their parents - Medically accurate and age appropriate Sex Ed for all adolescents as determined by Parents, Teachers and Medical Professionals
Webinars on the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership's (NSCP) website - Webinars on different subjects
Resources for working with under 12s
Relationships education - Family Planning Association (FPA) the sexual health company - teaching resource on relationships and sex education to children aged 5-11
Resources for working with young people aged 12-18
Family Planning Association (FPA) - the sexual health company - A guide to the male body 4 boys - download a guide for 11s and above (Key Stage 2 and 3) to understand boys' bodies and their changes.
FPA - the sexual health company - A guide to the female body 4 girls - download a guide for 11s and above (Key Stage 2 and 3) to understand girls' bodies and their changes.