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Flooding response to be discussed

Norfolk County Council , 15 November 2022 00:00

Norfolk's work to prevent and tackle flooding is to be probed by the county council's scrutiny committee.

A report to the committee says that Norfolk is the 10th most at risk out of 149 local authority areas for flooding. More than 350 properties in 120 settlements were affected in 2020 and the report says more than 30,000 properties are potentially at risk.

Councillor Steve Morphew, chair of the scrutiny committee, said: "Flooding causes untold misery and damage as we have seen in our county. Climate change increases the threat. We need to take urgent co-ordinated action to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events.

"The strategic flooding alliance led by Lord Dannatt has done a great job in coordinating the response. There are many bodies with some responsibility for flood alleviation that need to work together. Although the county council plays a major role, we also need to be reassured about how others tackle their responsibilities, for example the water companies and the problem of storm surges, which can lead to sewage entering our waterways."

"I am delighted Lord Dannatt has agreed to join us for the meeting to update us on the work of the alliance. I look forward to welcoming him and the discussions at the Scrutiny meeting that will follow."
This report presents the progress made on flood mitigation and alleviation by the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance and by the county council in its role as the Lead Local Flood Authority for Norfolk and as highways authority.

Norfolk County Council is providing a flood reserve of up to £6 million to ease flooding challenges and it has also secured:

  • £6.4m with Suffolk to implement innovative and sustainable 'Reclaim the Rain' water management projects in rural communities.
  • £120,000 from the Environment Agency for two projects in the River Burn catchment.
  • £600,000 from the Environment Agency for a £1.2m scheme in Dereham.

The scrutiny committee will consider the report when it meets at 10am on Wednesday, 23 November. You can watch the meeting, live or afterwards and read the papers online.

Last modified: 6 January 2025 15:52

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