Climate change strategy sets out path to net zero

Norfolk County Council , 9 March 2023 00:00

On 15 March Norfolk County Council's Infrastructure and Development Select Committee will review a draft climate change strategy that that outlines how the Council will hit its net zero estate target by 2030, support clean growth across the county, and boost resilience to the changing climate.

Members will hear that the authority's own emissions from its buildings, streetlights and vehicles have halved in five years, and that the strategy sets a commitment to maintain this momentum and reduce these emissions by 90% from 2016/17 levels by 2030, with remaining emissions being offset.

Cllr James Bensley, Chair of the Infrastructure and Development Select Committee, said: "I am pleased that we will be reviewing a strategy that outlines firm, ambitious targets to reduce emissions and a coherent approach to adapting to changing weather patterns. The threat of climate change is real, and we must take action now to safeguard Norfolk's future."

The draft strategy aims to reduce emissions from the Council's own operations and services, as well as support wider emissions reductions and clean growth across the county. It includes measures to promote low-carbon transport options, develop the skills needed for the green economy, and encourage sustainable tourism. The Council will also work with local businesses and communities to support nature recovery, such as the nationally-significant Wendling Beck Project, being delivered by partners including Norfolk County Council.

"A collective effort will be needed to address climate change, and we'll need to work with our partners and stakeholders to achieve our ambitious targets, including our District Councils and the private sector," added Cllr Bensley.

"There are also huge opportunities for Norfolk. Our offshore energy industry will create skilled, year-round jobs while reducing emissions and making the whole country's energy supply more secure. Norfolk also has the potential to really position itself as the UK's most sustainable tourism destination with the investment opportunities and job creation which will follow."

The Infrastructure and Development Select Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, 15 March.

Watch the meeting online live or afterwards. (opens new window)

Last modified: 14 May 2024 12:45

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