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£1.50 capped fare for Great Yarmouth thanks to Bus Service Improvement Plan

Residents in Great Yarmouth are set to benefit from a new capped fare on buses within the Yarmouth town zone thanks to money secured from the Department for Transport (DfT).

Norwich Western Link Briefing

Update on the Norwich Western Link project following new guidance published by Natural England

Rackheath residents and workers set to benefit from an enhanced bus service

Residents living or working between Rackheath and Norwich are the latest to benefit from enhanced services thanks to money received from the Department for Transport (DfT) to improve bus services across the County.

Timetable changes bring new direct bus services to two popular National Trust attractions

Following a regular review of bus services two popular National Trust sites in Norfolk will now receive a direct bus service.

New national guidance set to improve the safety of people with care needs

New fire standard guidance launched this week thanks to innovative work by Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service is set to improve the safety of people living at home with care needs.