Traffic lights replacement - Martineau Lane/Trowse Bypass Junction, Norwich

Need for scheme 

The replacement of the traffic signals equipment is urgent to ensure the future reliability of the junction as the existing equipment is very old and has an increased risk of failure. Replacing the traffic signals as planned works will result in some short-term disruption but will ensure long term reliability for many years. This work is part of a wider and ongoing replacement programme across the county. 

What we're doing 

We're replacing all the traffic lights (for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians) at the Martineau Lane/Trowse Bypass junction. Road resurfacing of the junction has already been carried out in March 2024. 

The work at the junction includes 20 underground inspection chambers and 10 bespoke fixings for the new traffic signal poles. In total, 25 new traffic signal poles will be installed along with all new LED traffic lights which will reduce power consumption and remove the need for regular maintenance that the old style lights need. 


We're carefully considering how best to deliver these essential works while minimising disruption at this very busy junction.  

Works are planned to start in July 2024 and are expected to take 5 weeks to complete, weather permitting. 

This work has been scheduled to be carried out when traffic flows are reduced during the school summer holidays. 

How are we minimising disruption? 

The Highways works contractor has considered the most efficient way to deliver the works, so that the construction programme can be as short as possible.  

Will there be lane closures? 

The junction will remain open at all times, but lane restrictions will be necessary to provide safe working zones for operatives.  

How are we making people aware of the work? 

Advance warning of these major works will be communicated to the public and businesses and additional electronic Variable Message Signs will be used to enhance awareness of the works. 

How much will this cost? 

£200,000 Traffic signals replacement 

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