SEND college or sixth form transport
Cost of college/sixth form transport
There is no entitlement to free transport for students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) when they are 16, 17 and 18 years old.
Once your young person is at college/sixth form, you must pay a contribution to the cost of the transport. This is even if school transport has been free in the past.
The contribution is a set amount. It does not depend on the number of days your young person attends college/sixth form.
You must pay the contribution in advance, either:
- Before your young person starts college/sixth form, OR;
- Before the start of each half-term/term, if paying in instalments
To find out more, including the contribution amount, visit the Post16 travel scheme cost and payment options webpage.
Financial support for specialist college/sixth form travel costs
Find out if you are eligible for other help with transport costs from age 16. For example, if you receive certain benefits, are on a low income, or if your college/sixth form offers a discount.
Visit the Post16 travel scheme cost and payment options webpage.
You can also contact the college/sixth form to find out if your young person can apply for a bursary. You can often use a bursary to pay towards your transport contribution.
Free specialist transport for over 19 year olds
If your young person will be over 19 years old on 1 September, they will be eligible for free transport until age 25. This is only if:
- They continue in education or training
- They still have an EHCP