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Compulsory purchase orders

nplaw has a compulsory purchase order (CPO) consultancy service.

As part of this service, we undertake a variety of CPO projects on behalf of local authorities throughout England and Wales.

These projects are particularly in relation to empty homes. We can also assist in much larger projects.

What CPOs are

If a local authority cannot reach an agreement to purchase a property with the owner, they may seek to acquire the property compulsorily.

Properties compulsorily purchased include land and buildings that may be:

  • Occupied
  • Unoccupied
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Listed
  • Unlisted

Projects can involve single plots of land or multiple plots.

Why properties are compulsorily purchased

Properties are compulsorily purchased to facilitate schemes such as:

  • Housing redevelopment
  • Road improvement
  • Town centre redevelopment and regeneration
  • The provision of schools
  • Bus stations
  • Energy parks
  • Cemeteries
  • Country parks
  • Restoration of listed buildings

What our CPO consultancy service does

Our CPO consultancy service will:

  • Advise on applicable powers of compulsory purchase
  • Prepare cabinet or committee reports
  • Prepare indemnity agreements when required
  • Advise on procedure and prepare all necessary notices and other documents
  • Advise on how to deal with objections
  • Negotiate with objectors
  • Prepare documentation to deal with objections by way of written representations
  • Undertake advocacy at public inquiries
  • Deal with confirmation of the CPO
  • Prepare notices to treat and general vesting documents
  • Register change of ownership at the Land Registry
  • Advise on compensation due to the former owners
  • Make Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) references

We also provide training on request.

Contact us

For further information or enquiries regarding CPOs, contact




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