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AtoBetter privacy notice

What this document is for

This privacy notice provides details on how we, Norfolk County Council, use your personal information for the purposes of providing the AtoBetter service.

By 'use' we mean the various ways your personal information may be processed including storing and sharing the information.

Further details

We also provide the following details in our general privacy notice on our website:

  • Who we are
  • How long we use your information for
  • Your rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) and
  • How to exercise them

You can also ask us for a copy of this information.

What we use your information for

We use the information about you for:

  • Processing your request for a ticket(s) under the AtoBetter service
  • Purchasing the requested ticket(s)
  • Allocating the ticket(s) to the email address provided
  • Contacting you about your request and allocation of ticket(s).

We also use this information to assess the quality of our services and evaluate and improve our policies and procedures.  We may also use information in other ways compatible with the above.

What personal data we collect and use about you

We will collect and use your:

  • Name
  • Email Address

Who provides this information

We receive most of this information from you, when you submit your request.

Who we share your information with

We will share your information with the bus operator for your area, these are:

Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need to know basis, with appropriate individuals. Only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.

Your personal information will also be shared with third parties contracted by the County Council to provide a service to the County Council. These service providers are known as data processors and have a legal obligation under GDPR and to the County Council to look after your personal information and only use it for providing that service. This includes Granicus who provide our webform (where you apply for tickets).

How the law protects you and the legal basis for processing your information

We have legal grounds under the GDPR to process this information because it is necessary for a contract between you and the bus operator.

In short, we purchase the ticket(s) for you from the bus operator. The bus operator sends these to you via email.

How long will we keep your personal information for

The data held by NCC will be kept until the end of the active delivery period (typically 5 years but can be longer) to enable AtoBetter to manage and monitor the voucher usage and spend per household.

When the information is no longer needed for the above purposes, it will be securely deleted.

If we need to use your information for research or reports, your information will be anonymised.   The information will continue to be used in a summarised and anonymised form in any research reports or papers that are published. The anonymised information in the papers may be of historic interest and may be held in public archives indefinitely. For example, if we want to record the number of people who requested vouchers from AtoBetter.

How we keep your information

The information is stored electronically, on the County Council's network including records management systems.

We do not process your information outside of the UK and European Economic Area.

Automated decision making

We do not make automated decisions about you.

Changes to this notice

We may amend this privacy notice at any time so please review it frequently. The date below will be amended each time this notice is updated.

This notice was created in July 2024.

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