Request for support

Before you refer a family for support, you can direct them to our online advice and guidance at family hubs or Start for Life. These online resources will signpost families to advice and guidance on a wide range of topics. 

If a family has a greater need, professionals can refer families for support once you have their consent.

Volunteers can help a family self-refer for support.

Professionals, volunteers and families can complete our request for support form online.

Make a request for support

Please include as much detail as possible on the referral to make the process as smooth as possible.

You can use the form to request:

  • Support from a specific service or intervention
  • A more general request for help

Our Early Help advisors will triage your request and identify the best support for the family.

Support services

Family hubs bring together the following services and interventions for families to access:

  • The Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS) offers support to families with children aged 0 -5 years-old living in Norfolk. 

Read ECFS information for professionals which provides information on specific interventions available.

  • Home-Start Norfolk recruits and trains volunteers with parenting experience. These volunteers visit parents with young children under five-years-old at home and in their local community.

Find out more or make a referral to Home-Start Norfolk's peer support offer.

  • Norfolk's Healthy Child Programme team offers a wide range of health-related support.

Visit services to support you ( for information.

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