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Busseys Community Tree Grant for Norfolk

What the grant pays for

The grant supports tree planting in Norfolk and will fund:


We prefer to fund younger trees which usually establish and survive better than planting larger trees.

However we will fund trees up to "standard" size (8-10cm stem circumference).

The trees we can fund are:

  • Orchard trees - these should be available for community use and consumption. They cannot be for commercial orchard purposes.
  • Single trees
  • Small woodlands or copses
  • Shelter belts or rows of trees

If you want us to fund another type of tree, email us at so we can review your request.

Hedging is not eligible under this grant funding. However you can currently buy hedge packs from us through our subsidised tree pack scheme. Your county councillor may be able to cover some of the cost from their discretionary fund. The subsidised tree pack scheme guide explains more about this. 

To protect trees and the wider environment from pests and diseases, we encourage projects to source their trees from UKISG (UK and Ireland sourced and grown) or Plant Healthy certified nurseries. You must not buy trees from abroad, unless you bought them from a Plant Healthy certified nursery. 

The application form asks you about the species you intend to plant. You are responsible for ensuring the mix chosen is suitable for the land use.

If you do not know the tree species you would like to plant, email us at before you apply. A team member can help you.

Tree protection

It's important to consider protecting and maintaining your newly planted trees.

Tree protection we can fund with this grant includes:

  • Guards/tubes/spirals (preferably biodegradable) with a bamboo cane. This usually protects trees from small mammals such as rabbits.
  • Tree shelter with a stake. If you live in an area which has a lot of deer or hare, you might want to consider a taller guard such as a tree shelter with a stake. Ideally your tree shelters should be biodegradable and the stakes FSC certified.
  • Mesh guards
  • The following mulching materials (mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and helps keep weeds down):
    • Sourcing wood chip for mulch
    • Other biodegradable mulching materials

If you want other tree protection email us at so we can review your request.

Delivery cost of trees and tree protection

The grant will fund reasonable delivery costs for the trees and tree protection/mulch materials.

The grant does not fund:

  • Planting labour costs
  • Project staff cost
  • Ongoing maintenance costs such as watering or weed removal

We encourage you to engage with your local communities for support with planting and maintenance. This can be done through your parish council, tree warden and/or any local community groups.

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