Latest round of funding open for agri-tech and food tech businesses

Norfolk County Council , 24 September 2024 11:26

Norfolk County Council is working in partnership with Innovate UK and regional partners Greater Lincolnshire LEP, Suffolk County Council and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority on the Launchpad with up to £7.5m to grow innovation in Eastern England's agri-tech and food technology cluster, which also includes agri-biotech and aquaculture. 

The Eastern England region is the national leader in fresh produce, meat, poultry, fish and seafood processing, underpinned by the largest food logistics sector in the UK. The cluster has a strong drinks and convenience food sector as well as leading niche and specialty food producers.   

Innovate UK has opened two grant funding competitions to offer innovative businesses the opportunity to win a share of up to £2.5m. 

  • In the 'Minimum Financial Assistance' (MFA) competition, micro, small and medium sized businesses can apply for grant funding between £25,000 and £100,000. The grant is to cover up to 100% of the project costs. 
  • The Collaborative Research and Development (CR&D) competition offers grant funding of £150,000 to £300,000 for business-led collaborative innovation projects lasting between 6 and 18 months. Project consortia must include an SME and be comprised of organisations such as businesses, universities, research institutes, charities and the public sector. 

In both competitions, innovative businesses can seek funding for projects developing and applying technologies in themes that include the following:

  • Enhancing the productivity of primary crops, livestock, aquaculture or ornamental crops
  • Biotechnologies related to agriculture, aquaculture, food processing and nutrition
  • Food that promotes safe, lower carbon or more sustainable healthy and nutritious diets
  • Resource efficient production and processing methods for low emission foods

Fabian Eagle, Norfolk County Council's Cabinet Member for Economic Growth said: "We are delighted to see this vital funding for a variety of Norfolk's key sectors from agriculture to food and drink manufacturing, with funding available to partner with some of our globally significant research at Norwich Research Park, including the UEA, John Innes Centre, Quadram Institute, Earlham Institute, The Sainsbury Laboratory and The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change. 

"Norfolk saw some fantastic successes in round one of the Agri-Tech and Food Tech Launchpad, including Tropic Biosciences, Funki Drinks, Snack Creations Ltd, Oxcel Ltd, PFBio and Traitseq." 

Under the Launchpad, Norfolk County Council, Greater Lincolnshire LEP, Suffolk County Council and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority are collaborating as the Launchpad Cluster Management team, showcasing wider support on offer for innovative businesses in the cluster, including events, finance and investment and connections. If you would like to engage with the Norfolk lead, please do contact

Norfolk businesses looking to apply for the Innovate UK grant funding competitions can take advantage of free innovation bid writing support on offer through the Innovation Grant Mentoring Project

Last modified: 2 October 2024 10:05

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