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Your home education questions answered

Starting home education

I've decided to home educate - what do I do?

If your child is attending a school you'll need to write to your child's head teacher advising them of your intention to take responsibility for your child's education and home educate. For more information see Removing your child from school to home educate.

If your child has never been to school or you're new to the area you don't have to inform the local authority. But it would be helpful for us if you did so by emailing us at Read our privacy notice to find out how we use your personal information.

Do I need to wait to hear from you before I start home educating?

It's advisable to start home education as soon as possible, so don't wait to hear from us.

The home education guidelines state that home education should begin at the point of deregistration from the child's current school. We understand that there may be a period of transition to home education if you child has come off a school roll. 

Does the local authority provide funding and/or the work for my child to complete?

Please be aware the local authority does not supply any work, teaching, or materials or funding for home education. You'll be responsible for any costs involved, such as for equipment, tutors, books, stationery, public exams, etc.

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