Webpages in the Home education section
Your home education questions answered
Find answers to some of the more common questions around home educating your child
Home education guidelines
Guidance for families who are thinking about or have recently started educating their child or children at home
Resources to support home education
Access learning materials, advice and support to help you and your child from primary to Year 11 and beyond
Examinations and qualifications
Advice on taking exams as an external candidate
Home education for SEND children
Support and advice is available if you want to home educate a SEND child
Submit information to the Services to Home Educators Team
Submit a report on how you are home educating your child or young person
Useful contacts for home educators
How to apply for a school place if needed, plus links to SEND, financial and health services
News and updates for home educators
News and updates relating to home education and families
Health and immunisations
Find out more about NHS services for children and the immunisation programme
Organisations supporting home education
Contacts for organisations which home educators may find useful, including for online safety
Home education policies and procedures
How we support you in home educating, plus links to our key policies and protocols