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Support for children, young people and parents and carers

Few life events have a greater impact on children and their families than the death of a family member or close friend.

With the right support and information, children and young people can get help to understand what has happened and adapt to a life without their loved one.

Things to remember for children and young people

  • Grief is normal - it's not an illness or something to simply 'get over'
  • Children are affected by bereavement in different ways, some may be sad or withdrawn, others may be angry or challenging, some may not show any signs
  • Grief is an ongoing process which children and young people revisit as they grow up
  • Children need the help of supportive adults to learn to live with the death of a loved one

Support for children and young people

Charities and organisations that help bereaved children and young people:

If you are a school or academy, the Norfolk Critical Incident Team provide training and advice to help you support bereaved children.

Support for parents and carers

Support for parents/carers who have lost a child or have a child with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition.

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