Passenger Transport Contracts

The Council procures contracts for the provision of passenger transport services for home to school, social care and local bus services. To be able to bid for contracts, you must have made a successful application to join our Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Passenger Transport Services NCCF41347. We encourage applications from bus, coach, taxi, private hire and rail operators.

Applications to join the DPS can be made at any time by doing the following:

Current contracts

Details of current contracts are published monthly on our Contracts and Grants Register.   

Future contracts

Certain contracts need to be procured at short notice due to customer requirements. We tend to run two procurements a week, with contracts issued on a Tuesday with a return date of the following Friday, and on a Thursday with a return date of the following Monday.

The day-to-day management of contracts is undertaken by the Travel and Transport Team.

We have a programme of reviews for contracts into high schools and certain day centres as well as local bus services. Whilst this may change you can download the current programme (PDF, 54 KB). The programme is reviewed and update every 3 months.

Historic contracts

Records of contracts from the last quarter are available in the 'Documents and guidance' section on this page.

View details of older historic contracts.

Drivers and Passenger Assistants   

To work on Passenger Transport Contracts awarded by Norfolk County Council, Drivers and Passenger Assistants must hold a current identity badge issued by the Council. We will only issue a badge to applicants who:

Queries regarding badges should be made by companies only, not individual staff members. Please email all correspondence to

Drivers and Passenger Assistants may also need to undertake additional training to be able to work on contracts. The Council does not provide or pay for additional training. However, we do provide details of several companies that provide training in the areas required.



Procurement Team (Transport) Floor 2 
Norfolk County Council 
County Hall 
Martineau Lane 

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