Support for carers

Person pushing someone in a wheelchair

Carers Matter Norfolk provide free, independent and confidential support for unpaid carers living in Norfolk.

You can contact them for information and advice about:

  • Financial and practical support to help you in your caring role
  • Your rights as a carer
  • Support for your health and wellbeing
  • Education and training to help you as a carer
  • How you can have your say through Carers Voice about services, policies and decisions that affect you or the people you care for

Get a carer's assessment

Talk to us about your caring role and find out what support is available to help you

Carers' health and wellbeing

Help to look after your health and wellbeing if you're caring for someone

Money and benefits

Information and advice about financial support and benefits for unpaid carers

Peer support

Ways to connect with other carers to share knowledge, experiences and support

Your caring role

Access information, advice and training to help you perform your caring role

Carers Matter Norfolk

Access free support, advice, training and communities for carers in Norfolk

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