Mental health services in Norfolk

Norfolk County Council funds and works with a range of care and support providers. This is to help people with their mental health social care needs.

These include residential care, supported living, outreach support and day activities.

The Norfolk Integrated Housing and Community Support Service (NIHCSS)

This is the largest service and is a partnership delivered with local clinical commissioning groups and St Martins.

Together for Mental Wellbeing leads the partnership. It supports about 900 people at any one time.

The supported living, intensive outreach and community enablement service includes the following:

Six supported living schemes across Norfolk

The NIHCSS supported living schemes support up to 92 people at any one time. These schemes do not offer permanent homes. They are a stepping stone to increased independence.

For most people they are not a home for life. These schemes are mostly staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Community outreach and housing related support

There are two referral pathways:

  • One for community outreach support
  • One specifically for housing support

This includes working with clients in mental health hospitals who have housing issues such as homelessness.

Experienced and specialist staff

The NIHCSS team has 127 recovery and peer support workers. Teams have the following specialists:

  • Homelessness and housing
  • Autism spectrum disorder and neurodiversity
  • Hoarding
  • Substance misuse (Housing-related support)

Find out more about NIHCSS

Service locations

Services are in groups in three geographical areas. There is also a community-based intensive support service in the Greater Norwich area. The localities are:

  • West Norfolk
  • Central Norfolk (North and South Norfolk and Norwich)
  • Great Yarmouth
  • Greater Norwich (intensive support)

To understand the model of support that NIHCSS uses and some of the practical support given to people, watch these YouTube videos:

Other care and support providers

We commission and work with other providers who support people with serious mental health conditions. These include:

  • Residential care
  • Supported living for young people
  • Specialist home care
  • Day support

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