Community alarms

Community alarms can give you peace of mind 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.

They are ideal for anybody who feels vulnerable, is having mobility problems, is prone to falls or has a mental health problem. 

The alarm is worn around your neck or wrist and is connected to your home phone line. At the touch of a button, you will be able to speak to an operator who will help assess what support is needed, such as contacting your next-of-kin or the emergency services.

Access to community alarms is dependent on which district council area you live in. There is a weekly charge for the service.

Norwich & Countywide - Careline 365
01603 964306

Norwich & Countywide - n-able (Norse Ltd)
0300 373 0199

West Norfolk - Care Line
01553 616200 

North Norfolk - Care Line
01553 616200

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