Private fostering

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There are a number of children in Norfolk who are being looked after by someone who is not their parent or close relative.

If this living arrangement is for more than 28 days, then this is considered a private fostering arrangement.

We understand that there are times when alternative living arrangements must be made for children, but we need to know about them to help keep children safe.

Tell us

You have a responsibility to tell us if you or someone you know is caring for a child under 16, or 18 if disabled, under a private fostering agreement or that you intend to.

If possible, you should contact us six weeks before the arrangement starts.

If it is an emergency arrangement, or the child is already privately fostered, contact the Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) as soon as possible.

If you know of any child who is being cared by someone other than their parents, let us know by calling 0344 800 8020.

We can help

Once we have the information, we'll arrange for a private fostering social worker from our Fostering Recruitment Team to visit. Then we'll keep everyone involved and update you on what's happening.

We are responsible for ensuring the welfare of young people in Norfolk who are privately fostered, so reporting private fostering arrangements helps us keep children safe.

Private fostering annual report

We produce a report every year about Norfolk County Council's (NCC's) work with privately fostered children in Norfolk. 

Our report includes:

  • An overview of the private fostering activity in Norfolk
  • An evaluation of the outcomes of our work
  • How NCC's Children's Services have complied with duties and functions of Private Fostering
  • The activities undertaken to promote awareness of the notification requirements for children living in Private Fostering Arrangements

View the private fostering annual report for 2024 to 2025. (PDF, 635 KB)

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