Admissions process for special schools and specialist colleges


Special schools are for children and young people who have a significant barrier to learning possibly with other challenges and diagnoses.

A parent can only request a place at a special school or specialist college if they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan. The schools admissions process is different to usual.

Our special schools usually already have the maximum number of children on roll. This means in-year admissions are unusual. Most admissions take place in September when older pupils leave.

You can request a special school or specialist college to be named in an EHC plan.

This can be done when it is being written, or when it is being reviewed at an annual review, interim review or emergency review.

It is important that you invite your child's education, health and care plan (EHCP) coordinator to any meeting where a potential special school place is discussed. They are experienced and knowledgeable and can offer advice.

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