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Heigham Street safety improvements

Start: Monday 6 January 2020

Completed: 16 March 2020

The existing signalled junction at Heigham Street/Mile Cross Road had no dedicated pedestrian crossing facilities. Parking issues around the junction were causing significant inconvenience for pedestrians and the local community had previously campaigned for crossings to be provided. Following an assessment in 2018 a recommendation was made for signalised pedestrian crossings to be installed at this junction.

Project details

The objective of the scheme was to provide pedestrian crossings on all arms of the junction and resolve the parking issues in the area through the following measures:

  • Construction of two new signalised pedestrian crossings with staggered refuge islands on Heigham Street west (Waterworks Road) and Mile Cross Road.
  • Narrowing the footpath on the north western side of Heigham Street to allow the eastbound traffic lane to be shifted north to accommodate the new refuge island.
  • Extensions to the current waiting restrictions to prohibit parking on both sides of Heigham Street and a minor extension on the southern side to accommodate the new refuge island. It is proposed to extend waiting restrictions west to the Northumberland Street junction.
  • Provision of additional parking bays to mitigate the loss of parking caused by the narrowing of the northern footpath.
  • Alterations to road markings.
  • Minor alterations to street lighting.

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