Mobile coverage in Norfolk

Norfolk County Council is collaborating with mobile analysts Streetwave to map mobile coverage in the region using waste collection vehicles.

In April 2024, we installed monitoring devices in some waste collection vehicles across the seven district councils in Norfolk. These devices takes surveys of the quality of mobile networks from the four main providers in the UK: EE, O2, Three, and Vodafone. They collect data on speeds, signal strength, and network generation.

The data is updated every week. While we can't equip every waste collection vehicle, we move the devices around to capture as much of Norfolk as possible.

Please note that actual coverage can vary due to several factors. The survey devices only check outdoor coverage, so indoor coverage might be different and can be affected by your property's construction.

This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring residents have access to reliable information about their connectivity options within the county.

Mobile coverage checker

Visit the mobile coverage checker to see which mobile operator offers the best service in your area.

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