Open Library

Open Library gives you access to your local library, its books, computers and spaces even when the building is unstaffed.

Most of our libraries use Open Library - check if it's currently available at your local library.

Signing up for Open Libraries

Everyone who qualifies for Open Library access should have had it added to their account automatically. If somehow you have been overlooked, please just talk to a member of staff in one of these libraries and they'll add it to your library account.

If there's no member of staff available, give us a call on 01603 774777.

If you're under 16 you can't sign up for Open Library, but you're welcome to come into the library during unstaffed hours if you're with a parent or guardian who is registered.

How to use Open Library

  • Hold your library card 10-15cm below the number pad, barcode side up - you should see a light scan your card and hear a small beep
  • Type in your PIN code when it says so on the screen then press the green enter button
  • At some libraries you might also need to press a large button before the door will open
  • To leave the library, push the button by the door

Open Library user policy

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