Norfolk Access Improvement Plan

We have created a new 10 year plan, the Norfolk Access Improvement Plan (NAIP) (PDF, 24 MB), which sets out priorities for increasing public use and enjoyment of Norfolk’s public rights of way network.

Norfolk’s extensive countryside access network is an invaluable resource for residents and visitors and is free to all users. It offers a variety of attractive routes to explore for recreation and health benefits and for accessing local services. It provides access to unparalleled vistas and landscapes, important archaeology and built heritage, and provides habitats for wildlife.

The NAIP’s Statement of Actions shows how we will work in partnership with countryside access users, volunteers and local communities to ensure that the network evolves to meet the changing needs of Norfolk’s residents and visitors and to address environmental challenges.

Our vision is to:

  • Manage the countryside access network so it meets the varying demands placed upon it
  • Increase public, economic and environmental benefit associated with Public Rights of Way
  • Involve communities
  • Act pragmatically and collaboratively with others with respect to responsibilities and resources
  • Increase investment in the countryside access network 

Production of Rights of Way Improvement Plans is a requirement for all local authorities under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (Section 60).

The NAIP includes consideration of other routes and areas that allow people to access the countryside in addition to Public Rights of Way and replaces the previous 10 year plan, the Norfolk Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007 - 2017 (PDF, 4 MB) which was reviewed in 2017. 

The new plan is the result of extensive consultation with many user groups and partners to identify priority areas to address future need and was developed with the Norfolk Local Access Forum.

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