Sustainable transport and regeneration scheme (STARS)

The King's Lynn STARS scheme is a project designed to enable the regeneration of the Southgates area of King's Lynn and support more people to walk and cycle in the town. 

STARS is being developed by Norfolk County Council to support the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk's ambitions to deliver a wider Southgates Masterplan. 

The project comprises two complementary elements: 

  • Replacement of the existing Southgates roundabout with two signal-controlled junctions, which enables the adopted preferred option of the Southgates Masterplan developed by the borough council for regeneration. In addition, it diverts London Road away from the historic South Gate, providing the opportunity for enhanced public realm areas, together with improved measures with enhanced safety for pedestrians and cyclists. 
  • Better, more direct links for pedestrians and cyclists together with public transport measures on the gyratory (one way) system, which currently separates the town centre from the railway station and adjacent retail, commercial and residential areas.  The proposed improvements will improve the environment for pedestrians and cyclists by providing safer new routes and signalised crossings for these users.  In addition, changes to the traffic signalled junctions will assist buses.   

Bringing together the two complementary linked schemes, the STARS project will deliver cycle and pedestrian priority. It fully supports the objectives of Norfolk County Council's new Local Transport Plan (adopted July 2022), which has a focus on enhancing accessibility and connectivity, reducing car use and promoting a switch to sustainable transport. 

In August 2022, we submitted a £24.1m bid to the Government's Levelling Up Fund. This funding would go towards the £26.8m King's Lynn Sustainable Transport and Regeneration Scheme (STARS). 

In January 2023, the Government confirmed our bid was successful, subject to further approvals.  

Southgates Masterplan 

The King's Lynn STARS project is being developed by the County Council to support the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk's ambitions to deliver a wider Southgates Masterplan.

The masterplan will bring forward new public realm and green space to enhance the setting of the town's historic South Gate monument, as well as provide sites with development potential for new homes, commercial and retail uses and facilities. 

The Southgates Masterplan has undergone significant development to determine the likely layouts of the buildings on each plot and how the green space can enhance the setting of the historic South Gate. We have worked with the Borough Council's advisers to help develop a holistic planning case for both the STARS scheme and the Masterplan. 

Read more about the Southgates Masterplan on Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk website

An artist's impression of the concepts

Photographs of the existing situation


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