Environmental monitoring
Detailed environmental surveying must be carried out before a road is built to build a picture of the plants and animals that live there, and how they may be affected by the planned new road. This surveying enables experts to then identify what mitigation measures will be needed to allow the development to go ahead.
For the Broadland Northway the environmental mitigation measures include bat houses, bat bridges, owl and bat boxes, the creation of four wildlife ponds and the planting of 7,500 trees and 170,000 shrubs, and the sowing of wildflowers along the roadside verges.
All of the environmental mitigation measures have to be monitored for a number of years once the road is built to see how they are performing. This page features an archive of the environmental mitigation measures monitoring reports.
Further environmental monitoring reports are available in some of the post construction monitoring documents.
Post-Construction Monitoring - Great Crested Newts - January 2023 (PDF, 2 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Breeding Bird Surveys - December 2022 (PDF, 8 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Aquatic Invertebrate - 2022 (PDF, 2 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Great Crested Newts - 24 October 2020 (PDF, 605 KB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Great Crested Newts - 24 March 2020 (PDF, 1 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Breeding Birds - Year 3 - 2020 (PDF, 2 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Breeding Birds - Year 2 - 2019 (PDF, 1 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Barn Owl Box - Year 3 - 2020 (PDF, 3 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Bat Report - February 2019 (PDF, 9 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Bat Report - Year 2 - April 2020 (PDF, 4 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Bat Report - Year 3 (PDF, 5 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Barbastelle Bat Radio-Tracking Report - Year One - 2018 (PDF, 6 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Hibernating Bats - March 2019 (PDF, 4 MB)
Post-Construction Monitoring - Bat Hibernation Report - Year 3 (PDF, 3 MB)