
We cannot grit all of Norfolk's 6,159 mile (9,911 km) road network because of the time it would take and the cost involved.

A line of Norfolk County Council Gritters

Priorities for gritting roads have been established on the basis of the route hierarchy and level of use.  The main roads will be gritted before other routes.

Our three hour gritting runs cover a total of approximately 2,200 miles (3,500 km) on A, B and some C class roads - commuter and major bus routes and as far as is possible one route into all villages.  Some footways in the pedestrian areas of central King's Lynn, central Great Yarmouth and central Norwich are also treated as priority.

National Highways treats 143 miles of trunk roads including the A11 and A47.

View the map of priority gritting routes

Locations of public grit bins are marked on the map by green triangles

The map indicates the planned priority gritting routes for this season, however road users should always exercise caution and drive to the conditions.  In addition, slight changes to the routes may occur (eg where there are road closures).  If you are travelling in cross county border areas, drive to the conditions that you experience as roads in neighbouring authorities may not have been treated at the same time as ours.

In severe conditions snow clearing work is concentrated on A roads then B roads and then the remainder of the priority network.  Clearing and removing snow from the highway depends upon the amount of snow and the conditions at any particular time. For light snowfalls treatment will normally be by continuous gritting.

When snow is over 30mm deep treatment will normally be by gritting and snow ploughing at the same time.  If snow is over 150mm deep then ploughing is often ineffective and earth-moving equipment is used.

We update residents on our gritting plans via local radio and Norfolk County Council Facebook. We use the hashtag #norfolkwinter and encourage others in Norfolk to do the same.

Our policy on which roads to treat on a priority basis has been developed over a number of years and is reviewed annually.

While it is unlikely that any additional roads will be added to our current schedules, if you feel you have an exceptional case for amending them, you should contact your Parish or Town Clerk. If you live in Norwich you should contact your local councillor.

Although the County Council carries out the assessment in line with the Winter Service Policy, the view of a parish or town council is important and is taken into consideration. Due to limited salt capacity on the gritting vehicles and time constraints, it is likely that an existing road may need to be removed from the current schedule to accommodate a new request.

For more details read our Winter Service Policy (PDF, 3 MB).

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