Disabled parking and Blue Badges

Norfolk County Council can provide legal parking bays in town centre locations where they can be of benefit to a number of disabled drivers.

Requests for new disabled parking bays should be made to Norfolk County Council. However, new restrictions will only be introduced where there is a clear need and broad support. For this reason, we suggest that you approach your local Town/Parish Council in the first instance who can help identify the needs of your local community.

A legal Traffic Regulation Order has to be made before new restrictions can be introduced, and this can be lengthy, involving periods for consultation and legal challenge.

Norfolk County Council has in the past provided disabled parking bays outside individual homes. This is no longer the case and as roads are repaired or resurfaced the bays will not be replaced.

Apply for a Blue Badge

Some district, borough and city councils have information about disabled parking bays on their websites.

Non-European Union disabled persons parking badges or permits

If you have a non-European Union disabled persons badge or permit you will need to follow these steps when parking in Norfolk:

  • Display your in date and valid badge or permit in the vehicle. We won't accept copies of badges or permits.
  • Check and follow the same rules which apply to using United Kingdom (UK) Blue Badges.
  • In certain circumstances, you need to use a 'Time Clock or 'Card' to show your arrival time. Or write your arrival time clearly on a piece of paper then display it next to your parking permit or badge.

We recommend you apply for a UK Blue Badge if you will be staying in Norfolk for a long period. There is a £10.00 administration cost and the Blue Badge remains the property of Norfolk County Council.

Visit the Norfolk Parking Partnership website for more information.

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