Flood investigations

When we learn of a flood event in Norfolk, we will consider whether an investigation should be carried out, under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, in order to determine:

  • Which authorities have relevant flood risk management functions
  • Whether each of those authorities has exercised, or is proposing to exercise, those functions in response to the flood.

It's not the responsibility of Norfolk County Council to resolve the flooding, however as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) we may investigate the cause and notify any relevant Risk Management Authority.

In Norfolk these authorities include:

We take a risk based approach to investigating flooding, using the Flood Investigation Protocol (PDF, 372 KB) and  impact criteria (PDF, 22 KB).  The following types of flooding will initiate a flood investigation

  • Any risk to loss of life or serious injury
  • One or more properties flooded internally and/or one or more properties rendered inoperable or their functions severely compromised due to the access to the premises being impassable
  • Any section of a national category 3 road or above made impassable due to flooding and/or flooding to priority 1 and 2 gritting routes.

Individual property addresses are not published within Investigation Reports or shared with any commercial third parties.

Flood investigation reports

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