County CON29 search enquiries

A land charges search (or local authority official search) refers to specific information about a particular property and its surrounding area. A search is usually performed when buying a property as part of the conveyancing process by a solicitor or licensed conveyancer.

LLC1 and full CON29 form replies

A solicitor would normally request an official search on behalf of the buyer using the standard legal forms LLC1 and CON29.  These are completed by the relevant district council who hold the Land Charges register and other relevant information about the property. For information on how to request an official LLC1 search please contact the district council serving the property. To find the district council (and contact information), enter the post code of the property on the district council finder page.

Norfolk County Council replies to the 7 Norfolk district councils with information held by the County Council (such as road schemes, traffic schemes, public rights of way and common land etc.). Please note that there are some questions on the CON29 form that we do not answer as the district councils hold this information. Some replies are made up of both district council and county council information.

CON29 and CON29O replies of information held by Norfolk County Council only

For companies who just require the Norfolk County Council information that answers or partially answers the following Law Society questions, we offer a direct online service. The questions that we answer are:

  • CON29 - 1.2, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7e, 3.7g

From 1 April 2024, the fees for this set of questions is £34.22 + VAT. It is not the intention of this Law Society form to be broken down into single questions so will only be answered as a set of questions for this direct online service.

  • CON29O - 4, 7, 16, 18, 21, 22

From 1 April 2024, the fee for question 22 is £15.29+ VAT. The other optional questions are currently free of charge.

Submit and pay for your CON29 and CON29O searches online

Contact us at if you have any other questions regarding Norfolk County Council information answered as part of the CON29 or CON29O replies.

EIR - Access to information

Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide access to the background environmental information which would enable an enquirer to make their own determination of what the CON29 response may be.

Contact to book an appointment to inspect information (relating to a single property) at County Hall (for which no charge is made) or to request this information is sent to you by email (for which a reasonable charge is made). Download details about the reasonable charge. (PDF, 118 KB) Please note that no warranty is given for information accessed in this way. 

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