Neighbourhood planning advice


Neighbourhood Plans are strategic planning documents. They enable communities to influence the areas they live and work in.

The government introduced them into the town planning system in 2011. Parish or town councils, or neighbourhood forums can produce neighbourhood plans.

The following information and advice is to help you with those parts of your plan that concern county council matters.

We're a stakeholder in the neighbourhood planning process. We provide responses to:

  • Draft Neighbourhood Plan consultations (Regulation 14). Once your neighbourhood plan is at this stage, we become a statutory consultee. You should contact at this stage.
  • Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan consultations (Regulation 16). At this stage the relevant local planning authority leads the consultation. They'll consult us and other relevant parties.  

We aim to respond to all neighbourhood plan consultations. But we cannot attend all planning events or respond at every stage of the consultation process.

For further information contact the neighbourhood planning coordinator at:

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