Find a planning application

We are responsible for determining planning applications, related to mineral extraction, waste management facilities, and the County Council's own development (eg Fire stations).

Norfolk's online planning service enables you to:

  • Search current and historical planning applications received by Norfolk County Council
  • Submit comments on current planning applications

Submitting a comment

Remember that any comments you send, whether they are sent online or by email or post, will be published on this website for everyone to see. We reserve the right to remove from this website any comment which contains any words which are or may be defamatory or offensive.

We will do our best to remove personal details from correspondence received before posting on the website, however, if you are worried about your contact details and signature appearing on our website, do the following when you comment on planning applications:

  1. Print your name instead of adding your signature to any documents, and initial the printed name
  2. Send emailed comments as an attachment, so that only the attachment can be published (and not your email address)
  3. Do not include your telephone number if you do not want people to know it

Comments submitted anonymously will not be taken into consideration.

If you would prefer not to send us your comments on a planning application online, you can either email or post them to Planning Services, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH. Remember to include the planning application reference number.

Your right to speak

At meetings of Norfolk County Council's Planning (Regulatory) Committee, the public are able to speak before decisions are made on planning applications.

Who can speak at meetings?

Anybody who wishes to object to, or support, a planning application which will be decided by Norfolk County Council's Planning (Regulatory) Committee. These meetings are usually held in one of our committee rooms at County Hall.

How do I state my point of view?

You must give written notice that you intend to speak about an item to the Head of Democratic Services 48 hours before the Committee meets, together with a short note of the points to be raised, if not previously done.

How long can I speak for - and when will I be called?

At the start of the meeting, the Committee Chair will ask members of the public if they wish to speak, and if so, to what items.

A total of 15 minutes of public speaking on each item is provided for, but in exceptional circumstances this may be amended at the discretion of the Chair of the Committee.

Objectors to the application will speak first, followed by District, Parish or Town Council representatives, and those from any other public body, and then the finally the applicant/agent or any supporters of the application.

Five minutes will be allowed for each group. Therefore, if you are one of a group of objectors or supporters, it would be extremely helpful if you could nominate one person to speak on your behalf.

It may be possible to change the order of the agenda in cases that have aroused particular public interest.

Will a decision be made at the meeting?

Most applications will be discussed and a decision made at the meeting, but occasionally the Committee may defer a decision, to allow time to visit the site, or to get further information.

Note that some applications of a non-controversial nature may not be reported to the Committee.

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