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Submit a planning application

Norfolk County Council is the Planning Authority responsible for deciding planning applications for mineral extraction and associated plant and buildings, and for developments involving the handling, storage, treatment or disposal of waste.

These types of planning applications often raise environmental issues and public concern, therefore in reaching decisions we must balance very carefully the need for the development against the potential adverse effects that may be caused.

Guidance ahead of submitting a minerals or waste planning application

Norfolk County Council is required to consult parish and district councils and various agencies (statutory consultees) and to publicise the proposals locally. The views received during the consultation process are taken into account in reaching a decision.

In accordance with Section 38(6) of the Town and Country Planning Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise.

In September 2011 we adopted our Core Strategy and Minerals and Waste Development Management Policies DPD.  This is the principal document (of the development plan) against which planning applications for minerals and waste development will be assessed.

Other policy documents in the development plan that will also be given weight include the local authority Core Strategies (where they have been adopted) and any Local Plan policies which can be found on the respective local authority websites.

Weight will also be given to the National Planning Policy Framework Policies as a material consideration.  This can be found on the Communities and Local Government website.

Application forms


Applications for planning permission to undertake mineral extraction are not available through the Planning Portal, the forms are available below.

You will also need to complete a Land Ownership form (PDF, 18 KB).

Before submitting your application form ensure you have also read other sections of this webpage and also submit any other relevant documents which will be required.

Service commitment

Norfolk County Council is committed to providing a consistent, open and effective service to applicants, consultees and the wider community in dealing with planning applications.

Planning legislation is complex and can be subject to change.

Planning officers are available to assist and explain procedures and requirements.

Before submitting an application

Applicants are welcome to discuss their proposal with a planning officer by using our pre-application advice service.

This can avoid wasted time and money and can speed up the process of determining any subsequent application in the long run.  Such enquiries can be dealt with on a confidential basis.

Pre-application discussions are without prejudice to the consideration of a formal planning application which, by its nature, is detailed and wide-ranging.

Site location plan

Every planning application needs a site location plan and block plan showing the location and boundaries of the site you are planning to work on.

You can use the Planning Portal's 'Buy a planning map' service to ensure that you meet our requirements, whether you are a planning professional or first-time applicant.

Environmental Impact Assessment

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is mandatory for mineral extraction proposals where the surface of the site exceeds 25 hectares, or for peat extraction proposals where the surface of the site exceeds 150 hectares.

Waste disposal installations require an EIA where the proposal is for the incineration, chemical treatment or landfill of hazardous waste or where the proposal is for the incineration or chemical treatment of non-hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 100 tonnes per day.

An EIA may be required if the development is likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as its nature, size, or location.

In accordance with the Government's National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), where the original application required EIA to be carried out, an Environmental Statement (ES) must be submitted with a section 73 application to amend EIA development. Depending on the timeframe that has elapsed since the original EIA was undertaken, it may be the case that the original ES is valid and can be submitted, or a new one EIA may need to be carried. The County Council can advise you on this through a formal request for a Scoping Opinion.

Further guidance on the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure

We may ask for an EIA for smaller scale proposals where the development is in a sensitive location such as in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in the Broads Authority area, or in or near to a designated area of nature conservation value or elsewhere if the effects of the proposal are considered to be significant.  The applicant has the right of appeal to the Secretary of State to determine whether an Environmental Statement is required.

Land ownership

When making an application you must also send in a completed certificate which states the ownership of the application site.  (Owner means a person having a freehold or leasehold interest with at least seven years left or in the case of the winning or working of minerals, a person entitled to an interest in the mineral in the land).

Land ownership certificate (PDF, 18 KB)

Complete Certificate A if the applicant is the sole owner of the land to which the application relates and if no part of the land is an agricultural holding.

If the applicant is not the sole owner complete Certificate B.

You must serve notice on each owner. If you do not know the name of all or any of the owners you will need to advertise the proposal yourself (in addition to Norfolk County Council's advertisement) and complete Certificate C or D.

Please note that it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly complete a false or misleading certificate.


A fee is required for most applications.  These are set by central government.  Your application cannot be considered until the correct fee has been submitted.

Fees for planning applications increased nationally on 17 January 2018.

Cheques should be made payable to 'Norfolk County Council'.


We will advertise the proposal in the local newspaper, place site notices, notify neighbours where appropriate and carry out all the necessary consultations.

Determination period

The statutory period for determination is eight weeks from date of validation for a minor application and 13 weeks for a major application.

Where an Environmental Statement is submitted the statutory period is 16 weeks from the date of the receipt of the statement.

Mineral and waste developments often raise issues which require extensive consultation and careful assessment. Whilst every effort will be made to determine the application as quickly as possible, an extension of time may be requested in order to ensure that the application is given full consideration.


We aim to deliver a good quality and effective development control service.  Please help us to achieve this aim by following the advice in this guide.

All planning applications should include:

  • Forms
  • Plan(s)
  • Certificate(s)
  • Fee

Four copies of the forms and plans are required but more copies would be appreciated in order to speed up consultations. These should be sent directly to:

Minerals and Waste Planning Section
Norfolk County Council
County Hall
Martineau Lane
Norwich, NR1 2DH

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