Norfolk SEND survey
Help us to get things right.
Our special educational needs and disability (SEND) survey gives you the opportunity to let us know your views on SEND services and support in Norfolk.
We want lots more people to complete the online survey when it launches on Monday 13 January 2025 for six weeks. It is open to parents, carers, professionals, and young people who are aged 25 or younger.
We will offer a wide range of support and alternative formats to help you complete the survey in 2025. There will be three SEND surveys for different audiences:
- Children and young people's (CYP) SEND survey, for those aged 25 and younger
- Parent/carers' SEND survey
- Professionals' SEND survey. For anyone who works with children and young people with SEND and their families.
Why we want people to complete the SEND survey
The more feedback we get the more accurate picture we have of:
- How people in Norfolk are experiencing SEND services and support
- What we need to improve
Places of learning are encouraged to make time for children and young people with SEND to complete the survey.
If your child does not attend a place of learning, please encourage and support your child to complete the SEND survey.
How we use the survey feedback
We read all SEND survey feedback and act on it.
Our last SEND survey was in 2023. We analysed the 2023 survey feedback and produced a 2023 survey summary and three reports.
Senior leaders used the reports' findings to act on what needs to happen to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND, and their families.
The survey feedback helped us to shape our Norfolk Area SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy (NASPAS).
The feedback also led to different teams taking actions which you can read about in our 'You said, We did' SEND in Norfolk report 2023-2024.
Other activity is still happening as part of our Local Area Inclusion Plan.
After the 2025 survey, we will publish feedback reports. We will publish these on the SEND Local Offer for everyone to read.
We will use the results to help us update our Local Area Inclusion Plan for 2025-2027. We will also publish a yearly progress update on actions every July.