Who else you need to tell

When someone dies you need to contact a wide variety of organisations to inform them of the death.

There are services that can help you with this process.

Tell Us Once service

The Tell Us Once service tells several government organisations and departments when you register a death. This includes HMRC, the Passport office, the DVLA, the Department for Work and Pensions and your local council.

How it works

A registrar will explain the Tell Us Once service when you register the death. If the Coroner is involved, the Coroner's office will send you the Tell Us Once details.

Go to GOV.UK to find out how Tell us Once works.

Reporting a death using the Tell Us Once service (video)

Reporting a death using the Tell Us Once service - British Sign language version (video)

Death Notification service

The Death Notification service is a free service that has been set up by several banks and building societies so you can notify them of a person's death.

Find out which banks and building societies are involved

Who else should I contact?

This list tells you other people you may need to inform.

  • Child's school or childcare provider
  • Credit card companies
  • Dentists
  • Doctors - GP of the person who has died
  • Employers - workplace of the person who has died and your own
  • Executor of Will
  • Faith leader/Celebrant
  • Financial Advisor
  • Funeral Director
  • Hospital clinics
  • Household insurance
  • Internet provider
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Landlord
  • Life insurance
  • Mail deliveries that need cancelling
  • Membership of organisations - eg golf, football, library, gym
  • Mobile phone provider
  • Mortgage company
  • Motoring insurance
  • Motoring breakdown policy
  • Optician
  • Pensions plans
  • Post office
  • Premium bond office/National Savings and Investments
  • Private health care provider
  • Registrar of Deaths
  • Social Services
  • Social Media account - eg Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok
  • Solicitor
  • TV license authority
  • Utilities (gas, electricity, water, telephone)
  • Vehicle registration

If you know the account details, you can use free websites Settld or LifeLedger to help you contact organisations such as utility companies, banks, pension providers, insurance firms, TV and broadband providers.

If you want to stop unsolicited mail you can register with the Mail Preference Service.

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