HEAR campaign

We're asking organisations across Norfolk to sign the Help Educate Awareness Respond (HEAR) Pledge to help employees who might be suffering domestic abuse.

The HEAR campaign calls on employers to break the silence around domestic abuse and HEAR, help and provide support to their staff on this important issue.

By signing the pledge below, your organisation agrees to:

  • Provide access to specialist support for your employees
  • Make sure your staff get the right training, so they know how to help colleagues
  • Not tolerate domestic abuse in any form
  • Make sure your workplace is supportive for colleagues who experience domestic abuse
  • Review your policies and processes around domestic abuse to make sure they are implemented correctly

The campaign was launched by the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Group in Norfolk for White Ribbon Day 2020 (opens new window). The success of the campaign has meant it has continued well beyond this date with dozens of employers, representing tens of thousands of employees, signing up to date.

The HEAR pledge

We pledge to break the silence around domestic abuse and HEAR, help and provide support in the workplace.


Every employer has a duty to provide access to organisations who can help employees.

We will ensure colleagues affected by domestic abuse are given access to the right specialist support.


Every employer should ensure the right training is provided.

We will make sure the right training is provided to staff to know what steps to take to support colleagues.


Every employer has a responsibility to be aware of domestic abuse.

We will not tolerate domestic abuse in any form and will provide a supportive workplace for colleagues who experience such abuse.


Every employer should ensure the right policies are in place to respond to domestic abuse. We will review our policies and processes and ensure they are implemented correctly.

Pledge your support

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