Stay well this winter

An older woman wrapped in a blanket, holding a hot drink and sitting in front of a fire.

Cold weather can be tough but it's especially hard on vulnerable people, or people aged 65 and over.  We want you to keep warm and well this winter.

Health and wellbeing advice and support

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System has published advice on how you can prepare for winter and help prevent health problems from developing. Visit their website to learn how to find the right health service, get top tips for keeping well and staying warm and find mental health support.

Discover how to keep warm and well

Places you can keep warm

Organisations and venues have opened or are opening up free, warm, welcoming spaces for the public in Norfolk this winter. Search the Warm Welcome website and find a community hot-spot or warm space.

Search for a local warm space

You can visit a Cuppa Care bus in Norfolk. It's a chance to meet up with others for a chat and a hot drink.

Search for a Cuppa Care bus

Financial help with utility bills

You should make sure you claim all financial help available to help with your utility bills.

Help and advice with your utility bills

Make your home safe

How you can help others

Worried about a friend or relative

If you can, make sure friends, relatives and neighbours are safe and warm. If you are worried about a relative or elderly neighbour contact us or call the Age UK helpline 0800 00 99 66.

Donate to the Surviving Winter appeal

Norfolk Community Foundation's Surviving Winter appeal provides support to vulnerable people through the cold winter months. The appeal needs urgent help from local people and businesses. Donations will go directly to local charities to provide essential help to vulnerable people.

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