Leader of the Council and Cabinet

Norfolk County Council has a leader and cabinet decision-making system.

The Leader of the Council is Cllr Kay Mason Billig (Conservative). She was appointed as Leader of the Council at the AGM held on 7 May 2024. The Deputy Leader is Cllr Andrew Jamieson (Conservative). He was appointed as Deputy Leader of the Council at the AGM held on 7 May 2024.

Cabinet is responsible for making decisions about most council services. Cabinet is made up of ten councillors, each with responsibility for a portfolio of services. Decisions can be taken by individual Cabinet Members or collectively by the full Cabinet. Cabinet Meetings are chaired by the Leader of the Council who is also responsible for selecting the Cabinet Members. There are four Deputy Cabinet Members.

Committee details, including meeting dates, members, agendas and minutes

Cabinet Members and responsibilities

Committee updates

Sign up for email updates from Cabinet and other committees.

Download Cabinet notices and decisions

Cabinet key decisions mostly relate to expenditure, savings, or other decisions which might have a significant impact on communities. The Council is required to publish details of any key decisions to be considered by the Cabinet 28 days before the meeting. This list is known as the Cabinet forward plan (PDF, 580 KB).

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