Norfolk Area SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy (NASAPS)

In summer 2024, our updated Norfolk Area Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Strategy for 2024-29 was published.

The SEND and AP Strategy was co-produced by the community of practice and then consulted on widely through a series of community engagement events which took place across Norfolk.

The strategy sets out five themes each with priorities to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND in Norfolk:

  • My learning and development
  • My changes and new beginnings
  • My adult life
  • My family is supported
  • My friends and activities

Norfolk Area SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy (PDF, 2 MB)

The strategy will be delivered through our Norfolk Local Improvement Plan.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The JSNA provides a picture of the health and wellbeing of the people of Norfolk. It also provides demographics and information on population levels and needs

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires Health and Wellbeing Boards to be responsible for producing a JSNA for their area.

The JSNA is an evidence base for the board to sit alongside their strategy. It provides a central resource for commissioners and funding applications.

View the Norfolk JSNA briefing document. (opens new window)

SEND drawing competition

We asked children and young people with SEND to send us their pictures showing 'what makes me happy'. We included some in our strategy but we got so many drawings and paintings we couldn't include them all. So we've made a video gallery of them. They show all sorts of things - like family, pets, sports and games.

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