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Our Customer Service Charter

The Council is here to help the people of Norfolk and we aim to give you high quality customer service.

However you contact us we will:

  • Listen to you and take your views and needs seriously
  • Be polite, professional and treat you with courtesy and respect and expect the same in return, from you
  • Avoid the use of jargon and explain any technical language
  • Answer your enquiry the first time you contact us if we can - and keep you up to date if it takes us longer
  • Protect and use your personal information in line with our privacy notice
  • Provide information in other ways if you need this, acknowledging and accommodating any specific disability related or translation requirements
  • Proactively seek your feedback and use it to make services better
  • Handle complaints professionally and politely and do our best to put things right as quickly as possible

However you choose to contact us

Our Customer Service Charter tells you what to expect when you get in touch with us.

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