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Roads and travel policies and strategies

Norfolk speed management strategy

Our strategy to address speed related issues to reflect local, community-based initiatives

Public transport policies

Policies and strategies for public transport in Norfolk

School and college transport policies

Our policies for providing transport for children and young people travelling to school or college

Local Transport Plan

Our strategy and policy framework for local transport

Transport for Norwich strategy

Our strategy for improving transport in Norwich and the surrounding area

Winter service policy

How we maintain roads and paths in winter

Transport Asset Management Plan

How we allocate our resources for managing highways infrastructure

Electric vehicles

Our electric vehicle strategy and what we're doing to promote electric vehicle use in Norfolk

Market town network improvement strategy

Our work on the transport network for Norfolk's market towns

Norfolk walking, wheeling and cycling strategy

Creating a healthier and greener Norfolk by enabling people to walk, wheel and cycle

Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans

A cycling and walking network for towns and cities and across the region

Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Setting out infrastructure priorities for Norfolk

Blue Badge policy

Our Blue Badge policy, including eligibility, appeals and enforcement

Countryside access and public rights of way

Priorities for access to the countryside and the rights of way improvement plan

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