Road signs and markings

Norfolk County Council maintains traffic signs and road markings on all of the county roads.

Report a problem 

Illuminated signs are part of our street lighting network, so these should be reported using our streetlighting report form.

Street nameplates for example "Mill Lane" or "Church Street" that are placed at the entrance to a road are the responsibility of the relevant district or borough council.

Unauthorised signs

All signs on the Highway must comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations.

As such, Norfolk County Council have a policy to remove all unauthorised signs from the roadside, pavement or cycleway in accordance with Section 132 of the Highways Act. Discretion is exercised in town and villages with regard to local fetes and charitable events.

We are not responsible for the safe storage or return of unauthorised items removed from the highway.  However, we will normally keep business sign boards at a highways depot for 28 days if owners want to collect them - but this may not be possible and cannot be guaranteed.  After 28 days, items will be destroyed.

Approved signs, including brown tourist information signs

Some signs are allowed with our prior approval.

Get a license for a brown tourist information sign, a banner over the highway or dog control signs


We would not authorise the placement of a mirror on the highway to assist with visibility issues.

Mirrors on the highway can dazzle drivers, affect the ability to judge the distance of oncoming traffic, and can be subject to vandalism.

If an unauthorised mirror is found on the public highway it would be treated as an obstruction and removed.

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