Choosing a school
It is important that you are able to make an informed choice about which school your child attends. There are a number of options available to Deaf children in Norfolk. You may want to discuss these options with your child's Teacher of deaf children and young people.
When you are ready, visit the schools that you want to consider, this will give you a clear idea of what each offers.
Your local school
If you choose your local school, your child will attend the same school as other children in the neighbourhood. They will also have access to
- Advisory and teaching visits from your child's Teacher of deaf children and young people
- Information about opportunities to mix with a Deaf peer group through out of school events e.g. through social and sporting activities
- Speech and Language Therapy as recommended by the local provider
- Additional support where necessary
Deaf Resource Bases
There are Deaf Resource Bases in Colman Infant and Junior School (Norwich) and specialist packages of support available for deaf students at high school.
All children can access the specialist support provided by Resource Bases as well as being part of their class and school community.
Within the bases, your child may have access to
- Teaching from the Teacher of deaf children and young people
- Small group teaching
- A Specialist Support Assistant who may support your child in class, as appropriate
- Speech & Language therapy, as appropriate
- A Deaf peer group
- A Deaf adult role model
- Home to school transport, if needed
The high school specialist package may include
- Teaching from the Teacher of deaf children and young people
- Small group teaching where appropriate
- A Specialist Support Assistant who may support your child in class, as appropriate
- Speech & Language Therapy, as appropriate
- A Deaf adult role model, if appropriate
Sensory Support for Children with Additional Needs
There are several Complex Needs Schools who offer provision across the county although the range of provision will differ.
For example, The Clare School (opens new window) is a mixed day, Foundation Complex needs School in Norwich for pupils from 3 to 19 years of age. The school caters for children with special needs commonly associated with physical disabilities and/or sensory impairments. Many pupils also have complex medical and learning needs.
Within a complex needs school your child may have access to
- Support from a Teacher of the Vision and Multi-Sensory Impaired
- Small teaching groups
- Specialist support staff (including BSL users)
- A school nurse, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- Sensory studios
- Home to school transport where required
- Access though technology (ATT) team
There are also a number of residential, out of county schools which make provision for Deaf children.
If you would like more information about these schools, contact us on