
School admissions

How to apply for reception, junior school and secondary school places and the process for moving schools during the school year

School term dates and school holidays

School term and holiday dates and calendars

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in schools

We are closely monitoring the local and national position in relation to RAAC in schools

Norfolk Schoolfinder

Find information about schools in Norfolk including contact details and Ofsted reports

Behaviour and attendance

Includes school attendance, exclusions and bullying

School complaints

How to make a complaint about a school

Free school meals

How to apply for free school meals, and pay for school meals and milk

Curriculum and qualifications

The school curriculum, assessment and exams in schools

English language support in schools

Support service for schools to raise the attainment of EAL pupils

School management

Information on school organisation, site management, emergencies and information for Governors

Schools performance and standards

Inspections provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools

School uniforms

Information about school uniforms and dress code

School governors

Find out what governors do and how to become a school governor

Norfolk Music Service

Supporting schools to deliver high quality music teaching and learning for pupils

Virtual school for looked after and previously looked after children

The team promotes the educational needs of looked after children and young people

Virtual School Sensory Support

Supporting children and young people with sensory loss

Short Stay School for Norfolk

School service for pupils age 5-16 who have no mainstream school place

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